just for

Enjoy a place to call your own!

Teen Central is located on the second floor of the library and is an exclusive space for teens in grades seven through 12. Study, play games, enjoy programming, or just hang out in Teen Central.

Upcoming programs

100 books before graduation

The Downers Grove Public Library challenges you to participate in the 100 Books Before Graduation program!

This is an initiative for middle school and high school students that promotes reading for fun. Reading can increase vocabulary, test scores, and more. Plus it’s a great way to encourage a love of reading!

download a form to start
track using the readsquared app

How It Works

Teens sign up for the program on our digital platform ReadSquared and will receive a suggested reading list to get started in a welcome email. Paper logs are also available to print and keep track of reading.

Here’s how it works: Every time a book is read, add it to your ReadSquared account. After every 20 books, come into the library for a prize (and to check out more books!).

At 100 books, teens will get a final grand prize and certificate of completion.

Email teens@dglibrary.org with any questions.

Discover New Titles

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request a personalized recommendation


Who can participate? Is there a fee?

The program is free and open to any teen entering grades seven through 12. 

What books count toward the goal?

You can read anything you want! Books do not have to come from the library and can be fiction, nonfiction, or graphic novels. Find ideas to get you started on our Staff Picks page!

Is there a deadline?

The program is ongoing and has no end date. You can read a lot now, take a break, and pick up again later as long as you’re still in middle school or high school. 

How long will it take?

That’s up to you! Here’s some approximations based on how much you read:

  • 1.5 books per month = About 5 ½ years
  • 2 books per month = About 4 year
  • 1 book per week = Less than 2 years

homework help

  • Homework help databases 
    • Brainfuse HelpNow: Free live help from tutors 7 days a week 
    • Gale Research: articles, videos, and more
    • Reference Centers for Science, History, Biology, and Literature
  • We have a Teen Services librarian just for you! Email teens@dglibrary.org with questions about finding resources, programming, or the library.
  • Looking for a tutor? The ATS Department has a directory of local tutors who specialize in many grades and subject areas. Stop by ATS or contact us at askus@dglibrary.org to request a copy.  Disclaimer: The Downers Grove Public Library does not endorse or sponsor any tutor or business on this list. This list is for information purposes only and should be used at the patron's discretion. All communication, fee negotiation, scheduling, etc. must occur between tutor and patrons.

Get a library card for easy access to the resources listed above:

  • If you live in the Downers Grove library district: 
    • Visit the Checkout Desk or email CLees@dglibrary.org if you’re unable to come in.
  • If you live outside of Downers Grove:


Check out the various databases to help you succeed! Resources range from free live tutoring 7 days a week to reference centers on literature, history, and science.

research databases


DGPL carries a selection of District 99 textbooks that can be used in the library, including:

  • German 1 - Portfolio Deutsch (Level 1)
  • German 2 - Deutsch Aktuell 2
  • German 3 - Deutsch Aktuell 3
  • French 1 - Bien Dit
  • French 2 - Bien Dit French 2
  • French 3 - Bien Dit French 3
  • Spanish 1 - Asi se Dice
  • Spanish 2 - Asi se Dice (2 dos)
  • Spanish 3 - Asi se Dice (3 tres)
  • Spanish 3 - Avancemos (3 tres)
  • General Math - Mathematics Connections
  • Statistics 300 - Statistics & Data Analysis
  • Geometry 300 - Geometry: Concepts and Skills
  • Geometry 300 - Geometry: Integration, Applications Geometry
  • Physical Science 200 - Astronomy
  • Physics 300 - Physics: Principles and Problems
  • Physical Science 300 - Conceptual Physical Science
  • Physical Science 200 - Motion, Forces, and Energy
  • Physical Science 200 - Sound and Light
  • Physical Science 200 - Chemical Building Blocks
  • Physical Science 200 - Chemical Interactions
  • Chemistry 300 - Chemistry in the Community
  • Earth Science 300 - Earth Science
  • Physical Science 300 - Weather and Climate
  • Biology 200 - Environmental Science
  • Biology 200 - From Bacteria to Plants
  • Biology 200 - Animals
  • Biology 200 - Cells and Heredity
  • Biology 200 - Human Biology and Health
  • Biology 300 - Biology
  • Health 300 - Health
  • World Studies/Global Connections 300 - World History: Patterns of Interaction
  • World Studies/Global Connections 200/300 - It’s All Connected
  • US History 300 - The Americans

Contact our Teen Services librarian with questions by emailing teens@dglibrary.org or calling 630-960-1200 ext. 4257.