
Our Policies

Frequently requested policies:

Complete Library Policies

Strategic Plans

In 2023, the Board of Library Trustees worked with consulting firm ReThinking Libraries on a new strategic planning process. Combining the results of this process with the Equity Strategic Plan, the new High-Level Strategic Plan was unanimously approved on August 23, 2023.

Links to the documents:

Our Finances

Reports, and Budget Information

Requests for Proposals & Bids

There are currently no proposal or bid requests.

FOIA Requests

Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests must be submitted in writing, either by email or traditional mail. Verbal requests for information will not be accepted. Written requests may be submitted by mail or in person to:

FOIA Officer
Library Administrative Office
Downers Grove Public Library
1050 Curtiss Street
Downers Grove, IL 60515

or by email to the library’s FOIA Officer,

For more information about the Freedom of Information Act, including response timelines, visit the Illinois Attorney General's website