Be an informed voter this November!
preparing to vote
Whether you're a first-time voter or you've never missed an election, this page will help you get ready for this year's elections. More information can be found in the library on the second floor, at the Informed Voter Corner.
First time voter? Start here to learn about the voting process:
Register to Vote
Check if you're registered to vote: search by name or address to determine registration status.
Not registered? Register now! Online registration is available for the General Election until October 20, 2024. It will reopen on November 7, 2024, two days after the election.
You must register at least 28 days prior to an election in order to vote in that election. You can register by mail or in person.
Following the close of registration, Illinois allows for "Grace Period" Registration and Voting beginning the 27th day prior until the day before an election. During the Grace Period, you must vote at the same time that you register. Online registration is available through the 15th day prior to Election Day. On Election Day, you may register to vote and vote at the same time, but only at your designated polling location. You will need an I.D. to register, but not to vote.
- Prepare to vote by checking your sample ballot
- Vote early by visiting any temporary or permanent early voting location
- Vote on election day by finding your polling place
- Arrive early and plan to spend time in line
- If you fill out a paper ballot: only use the writing utensil provided
- If you fill out a touch-screen ballot: ask for help if you need it
- Did you know? You can bring a list of your chosen candidates with you into the ballot box!
- Apply to vote by mail using any of the following methods:
- Submit an online application
- Any eligible DuPage County registered voter may Vote by Mail beginning 40 days prior to an Election.
- Download or pick up an application at the DuPage County Registration Location, and mail to: DuPage County Election Commission, P.O. Box 1087, Wheaton, IL 60187
- Call the DuPage County Election Commission 630-407-5600, Spanish 630-407-5608, TDD: 630-407-5631
- Submit an online application
- Once your application is received, ballots will be mailed upon availability.
- The last day to mail a ballot to a voter is the Thursday (five days) prior to the election.
- Mail-in votes must be postmarked no later than the day of the election to be considered valid and counted.
- Drop-off votes must be returned in a secure dropbox in the county in which you reside. Find a DuPage County drop box.
- Nearby drop boxes: Jack T. Knuepfer Administration Building, 421 N County Farm Rd. Wheaton; any DuPage County early voting and polling place
- Other Vote by Mail options
Permanent Vote by Mail Program; Permanently Disabled Vote by Mail Program; Registered Voter Admitted to Hospital, Nursing Home or Rehabilitation Center Within 14 Days of Election; U.S. Service and Citizens Overseas Absentee Voting
- Vote by Mail F.A.Q.s
Please contact the DuPage County Election Division for additional information: 630-407-5600
important dates
More information on dates and times at the DuPage Election Commission.
9/26 - First day of Early Voting opened Monday through Saturday
9/26 - First day to Vote by Mail
10/8 - Last day of regular Voting Registration
10/9 - First day of Grace Period registration and voting
10/19 - First day Early Voting open Monday through Sunday
10/20 - Last day of Online Voter registration
10/31 - Last day Election Authority will mail a Vote-by-Mail ballot
11/4 - Last day of Grace Period registration and voting
11/4 - Last day of Early Voting
11/5 - General Primary election in-person voting day
11/5 - Vote-by-Mail ballot must be postmarked by this day to be counted
candidates & issues
Visit the library to look at the Informed Voter binder, or visit these nonpartisan sources:
Candidate Information
- Candidate Info Sheets: Information collected by DGPL staff using nonpartisan resources.
- Ballotpedia: Click on the 2024 Election tab to see a drop down of Federal, State, and Local races. Scroll for the map and select Illinois.
- BallotReady
- Project Vote Smart
- Vote411
Information on Issues
- Points of View Reference Center: available through the library's Research Databases.
- RealClear Politics
- Project Vote Smart