J.D. Power

Car prices from J. D. Power.

Kelley Blue Book

Vehicle price information.

Illinois Attorney General

How to make consumer complaints in Illinois.

Chicago Consumers’ Checkbook

Reviews and recommendations for service and retail providers throughout Chicago. Patrons using remote access will be required to create a login using their email address.

Chicago Better Business Bureau

Find accredited businesses and charities and file complaints, if needed.

Auto Repair Source

Information for most vehicles from 1974 to the present.

Consumer Reports

Product ratings, reviews, recommendations, brand reliability, and buying advice.


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WorkNet DuPage

Provides job seekers with the job search tools they need for successful employment and helps local businesses develop their workforce by hiring local talent.

World Book in Spanish

Easy-to-read articles from the latest edition of Enciclopedia Estudiantil Hallazgos. Good for grades 3 - adults.

World Factbook

Country information from the US Central Intelligence Agency.


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