J.D. Power

Car prices from J. D. Power.

Kelley Blue Book

Vehicle price information.

Illinois Attorney General

How to make consumer complaints in Illinois.

Chicago Consumers’ Checkbook

Reviews and recommendations for service and retail providers throughout Chicago. Patrons using remote access will be required to create a login using their email address.

Chicago Better Business Bureau

Find accredited businesses and charities and file complaints, if needed.

Auto Repair Source

Information for most vehicles from 1974 to the present.

Consumer Reports

Product ratings, reviews, recommendations, brand reliability, and buying advice.


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Academic Search Complete

Newspaper, magazine, and academic articles on biology, economics, communications, computer sciences, engineering, language and linguistics, arts and literature, and medicine.

MASTERfile Complete

Full-text articles from 1,700 periodicals, 500 reference books, and 100,000 primary source documents. Includes reference, business, health, education, science, and multicultural issues and an image collection of photos, maps, and flags.

Newspapers - Major US Daily News

Search Chicago Tribune 1849-current, The Wall Street Journal 1984-current, The Washington Post 1987-current, The New York Times 1980-current, and Los Angeles Times 1985-current full text at once. Or click Publications in the top menu to browse individual newspaper content.

Nexis Uni

Formerly LexisNexis Library Express. Legal and business information, as well as news resources and trade publications.
Remote Access