Home Improvement Source

Comprehensive collection of full-text content that provides detailed, user-friendly “how-to” information on a wide range of DIY home improvement and repair projects.

Hobbies and Crafts Source

A DIY database that includes leading full-text hobby and craft magazines, hobby profiles, recipes, and videos, all aimed at inspiring creativity.

Health Source: Nursing/Academic Edition

A full-text database covering nursing and allied health topics such as pediatric nursing, mental health, nursing management, medical law, and more.

Health Source: Consumer Edition

Covers a wide range of subjects, including specific diseases and overall health topics. It also offers access to current health pamphlets and Merriam-Webster’s Medical Desk Dictionary.

Ethnic Diversity Source

Resource that explores the culture, traditions, social treatment, and lived experiences of various ethnic groups in America.

eBook Collection

A wide range titles for both adults and juveniles on topics such as business, biography, science, literature, self-help, fitness, hobbies and cooking.

Biography Reference Source

Extensive coverage of popular and heavily researched biographies and genres, including those featured in Biography Today and Biography.

Alt HealthWatch

A comprehensive alternative health research database focusing on complementary, holistic, and integrated approaches to healthcare and wellness.


The National Agricultural Library offers informational resources on agriculture, including food and human nutrition, agricultural engineering, technology, earth, and environmental sciences.

Gale Presents: National Geographic Kids

Explore topics on Animals, the Environment, History, People and Cultures, Places, and Science and Technology.  For children ages 6-11.

Gale in Context: Elementary School

Research and explore topics, news articles, magazines, and pictures for students in elementary school. An introductory database for young learners.

Educate Station

Hands-on lesson plans and worksheets for children in Grades K-5th.  Perfect for homeschoolers or for students looking for supplemental materials in English Language Arts, Math, Science, Social Emotional Learning, and Social Studies


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Interactive tutorials, practice tests, e-books, flashcards, standardized test preparation, career development, and more, all available on multiple online platforms.


Read and listen to thousands of animated picture books in over 70+ languages.

MasterFILE Complete

Full-text articles from 1,700 periodicals, 500 reference books, and 100,000 primary source documents. Includes reference, business, health, education, science, and multicultural issues and an image collection of photos, maps, and flags.

Middle Search Plus

Resources to support middle school students, including biographies, magazines, primary source documents, photos, maps, and flags. Includes Sports Illustrated Kids, Scholastic News, National Geographic and dozens more. Articles include reading level indicators (Lexile).

Newspaper Source Plus

A collection of major global news content, including millions of articles from newspapers and newswires, television and radio transcripts, and daily updates from popular news sources.

Newspapers - Major US Daily News

Search Chicago Tribune 1849-current, The Wall Street Journal 1984-current, The Washington Post 1987-current, The New York Times 1980-current, and Los Angeles Times 1985-current full text at once. Or click Publications in the top menu to browse individual newspaper content.

Novelist K-8 Plus

Find good reads for kids by searching age, subject, plot summary, and more.

PowerKnowledge Earth and Space

Interactive source with reliable information for grades 3-6. A DGPL library card is required when accessing this database in the library or offsite.

PowerKnowledge Life Science

Interactive source with reliable information for grades 3-6. A DGPL library card is required when accessing this database in the library or offsite.

PowerKnowledge Physical Science

Interactive source with reliable information for grades 3-6. A DGPL library card is required when accessing this database in the library or offsite.

Primary Search

Resources to support elementary school students, including encyclopedias specifically for kids, articles from children's magazines including Highlights and Junior Scholastic, and a large image collection.

Scholastic Go!

Animals, science, US states, and more. Grade articles and reference material, images, videos, and websites. For students in grade 2 to 8 with a search engine interface.

Science Flix

Covers more than 30 subjects in all areas of science using video, articles, and interactive content including experiments.

Science Reference Source

Articles on biology, chemistry, earth and space, environment, health and medicine, life science, physics, technology, and wildlife. Tutorial


Offers info about science and social science content with videos, audio clips, images, and related websites.