
Catalog of books and other materials in libraries worldwide.

WorkNet DuPage

Provides job seekers with the job search tools they need for successful employment and helps local businesses develop their workforce by hiring local talent.

World Factbook

Country information from the US Central Intelligence Agency.

World of Astronomy

Encyclopedic information.

World Book Online

Global information and current events.

World Book in Spanish

Easy-to-read articles from the latest edition of Enciclopedia Estudiantil Hallazgos. Good for grades 3 – adults.

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Family Search

Create a free account to access billions of records worldwide including censuses, church records, vital records, naturalization documents, passenger arrival lists, digitized books, and more. Use the FamilySearch Wiki and the FamilySearch Learning Center to learn about topics within genealogy. The Downers Grove Public Library is a FamilySearch Affiliate Library which can provide access to locked records.


Tens of millions of military records, including the stories, photos, and personal documents of individuals who served.