Interactive tutorials, practice tests, e-books, flashcards, standardized test preparation, career development, and more, all available on multiple online platforms.
Renowned software training tool. Learn to retouch photos, design websites, record songs, create spreadsheets, animate 3D graphics, and more. Users must be ages 16+. Users must have a DGPL library card for in-library and remote access.
Covers a wide range of subjects, including specific diseases and overall health topics. It also offers access to current health pamphlets and Merriam-Webster's Medical Desk Dictionary.
To share information about materials, programs, and services at the library, DGPL distributes a variety of emails to patrons. The library may send optional surveys for patrons to provide feedback. Patrons may unsubscribe at any time. The library will never sell or use your email address for other reasons.
The library's newsletters are an opt-in service. By giving the library your email address, you consent to receive emails from the library.