Ethnic Diversity Source

Resource that explores the culture, traditions, social treatment, and lived experiences of various ethnic groups in America.

eBook Collection

A wide range titles for both adults and juveniles on topics such as business, biography, science, literature, self-help, fitness, hobbies and cooking.

Educate Station

Hands-on lesson plans and worksheets for children in Grades K-5th.  Perfect for homeschoolers or for students looking for supplemental materials in English Language Arts, Math, Science, Social Emotional Learning, and Social Studies

Encyclopedia of Chicago

Digital version of the highly-acclaimed book.

Ellis Island Records

Over 60 million records of immigrants who came through Ellis Island and the Port of New York from 1820 – 1957.

Generates MLA, APA, or Chicago-formatted bibliographic reference and parenthetical citation.

Explora for Primary Schools

Research tool for grades K – 5.

Explora Educator’s Edition

Resources for educators.

Explora for Secondary Schools

Research tool for grades 5 – 8.

ERIC (Education Resources Information Center)

Comprehensive library from the U.S. Department of Education.

Education Source

Articles and conference papers related to all areas of education.


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Reading Group Choices

How to start a book group, suggestions for discussion leaders, and most importantly, a searchable database of book discussion guides.

Reference Solutions

Formerly ReferenceUSA. Directory of 13 million businesses, residential listings, and telephone numbers in the US.

Regional Business News

Full-text coverage of regional business publications across the United States and Canadian provinces, allowing users to search newspapers, magazines, and other trusted news sources.

Religion & Philosophy Collection

A database designed for theology and philosophy research, featuring hundreds of full-text journals and magazines that cover a wide range of religious and philosophical topics.