Ethnic Diversity Source

Resource that explores the culture, traditions, social treatment, and lived experiences of various ethnic groups in America.

eBook Collection

A wide range titles for both adults and juveniles on topics such as business, biography, science, literature, self-help, fitness, hobbies and cooking.

Educate Station

Hands-on lesson plans and worksheets for children in Grades K-5th.  Perfect for homeschoolers or for students looking for supplemental materials in English Language Arts, Math, Science, Social Emotional Learning, and Social Studies

Encyclopedia of Chicago

Digital version of the highly-acclaimed book.

Ellis Island Records

Over 60 million records of immigrants who came through Ellis Island and the Port of New York from 1820 – 1957.

Generates MLA, APA, or Chicago-formatted bibliographic reference and parenthetical citation.

Explora for Primary Schools

Research tool for grades K – 5.

Explora Educator’s Edition

Resources for educators.

Explora for Secondary Schools

Research tool for grades 5 – 8.

ERIC (Education Resources Information Center)

Comprehensive library from the U.S. Department of Education.

Education Source

Articles and conference papers related to all areas of education.


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Booklist Online

More than 130,000 book reviews for librarians, book groups, and book lovers—from the trusted experts at the American Library Association.

Complete Core Collections

A comprehensive guide that helps you build and maintain well-rounded collections of nonfiction and fiction books.

eBook Collection

A wide range titles for both adults and juveniles on topics such as business, biography, science, literature, self-help, fitness, hobbies and cooking.

Library Reads

The top ten books published this month that librarians across the country love.

Lit Lovers

Discussion questions, reviews, and recommendations.

Literary Reference Plus

Literary criticism, plot summaries, book reviews, author biographies, literary journal articles, and full-text poems and short stories.


Read and listen to thousands of animated picture books in over 70+ languages.

Novelist K-8 Plus

Find good reads for kids by searching age, subject, plot summary, and more.

Reading Group Choices

How to start a book group, suggestions for discussion leaders, and most importantly, a searchable database of book discussion guides.

Tumble Book Library

Explore hundreds of animated, talking picture books that teach kids the joy of reading in a format they'll love.

What's Next?

Discover the order of books in a series. Search by author, title, or series.


Catalog of books and other materials in libraries worldwide.