Downers Grove Township

Contact us for information regarding parcel assessments, emergency financial assistance programs, roadway maintenance in unincorporated areas, passport applications, notary services, voter registration, Dial-A-Ride transportation, senior programs, youth life skills program, and more.

Downtown Downers Grove Management Corporation

Creates a diverse retail, service, and residential environment in Downtown DG.  Focuses include tenant recruitment and the production and marketing of events.

Downers Grove Township Senior Services

Provides older adults with resource and referral information, senior services assistance, and access to the Dial-A-Ride transportation service. The Downers Grove Township Center is a place for Seniors 55+ to enjoy socializing, educational seminars, and life enrichment activities and programs.

Doctor Finder

Doctors licensed in the U.S.

DuPage County Health Department

Offers a wide range of public health services to DuPage County residents including a mental health crisis hotline, immunizations, referrals, and more.

DuPage County Genealogical Society

Includes indexes to Addison Township, Downers Grove Township, Lisle Township, and York Township cemeteries.

Downers Grove Museum

Historical museum for Downers Grove.

Downers Grove Historical Society

Website dedicated to Downers Grove history.

Downers Grove Historic Landmark Houses

Interactive map of properties identified as historic landmark homes in Downers Grove.

DuPage County Community Services

The Department of Community Services provides psychological services, family services, senior services, and more.

Downers Grove Reporter 1895 – 1922

Our oldest newspapers are now viewable online. Search the archive by name, place, or keyword.


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People's Resource Center

Classes and tutoring for adults learning English, studying for GED or citizenship exams, and conversation groups for ESL students at various locations in DuPage County.

PowerKnowledge Earth and Space

Interactive source with reliable information for grades 3-6. A DGPL library card is required when accessing this database in the library or offsite.

PowerKnowledge Life Science

Interactive source with reliable information for grades 3-6. A DGPL library card is required when accessing this database in the library or offsite.

PowerKnowledge Physical Science

Interactive source with reliable information for grades 3-6. A DGPL library card is required when accessing this database in the library or offsite.

Prescribers' Digital Reference

Find credible and updated information about prescription drugs including dosage, drug interactions, adverse reactions, and more.

Primary Search

Resources to support elementary school students, including encyclopedias specifically for kids, articles from children's magazines including Highlights and Junior Scholastic, and a large image collection.

Psychology and Behavioral Sciences Collection

A full-text database designed for psychologists, counselors, researchers, and students. It includes hundreds of full-text psychology journals, many of which are indexed in APA PsycInfo.


Medline index of medical journal articles.