Newspaper Source Plus

A collection of major global news content, including millions of articles from newspapers and newswires, television and radio transcripts, and daily updates from popular news sources.

MAS Complete

Provides high school libraries with full text from popular magazines and e-books on topics like news, politics, science, sports, and culture, as well as primary source documents and videos.


Interactive tutorials, practice tests, e-books, flashcards, standardized test preparation, career development, and more, all available on multiple online platforms.

Biography Reference Source

Extensive coverage of popular and heavily researched biographies and genres, including those featured in Biography Today and Biography.

Middle Search Plus

Resources to support middle school students, including biographies, magazines, primary source documents, photos, maps, and flags. Includes Sports Illustrated Kids, Scholastic News, National Geographic and dozens more. Articles include reading level indicators (Lexile).

Social Welfare: Fighting Poverty & Homelessness

Statistics and discussions of poverty in the US and its government policy.

International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences

Highlights the expanding influence of economics in social science research and features new articles and biographies contributed by scholars from around the world on a wide array of global topics in the social sciences.

World of Astronomy

Encyclopedic information.

Physics World

Portal to all aspects of physics!

Geology Research

From the US Geological Survey.

Biology Corner

Biology information, textbooks, articles, lesson plans, and fun experiments.

Literary Movements for Students

Discusses such movements as Greek Drama, the Harlem Renaissance, Magic Realism and Transcendentalism.

Generates MLA, APA, or Chicago-formatted bibliographic reference and parenthetical citation.

History Reference Source

Full-text articles, biographies of historical figures, photos, and documents.

Gale Encyclopedia of World History: War

Discussion and analysis of each significant war and conflict worldwide.


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Academic Search Complete

Newspaper, magazine, and academic articles on biology, economics, communications, computer sciences, engineering, language and linguistics, arts and literature, and medicine.


Creativebug is an all ages crafting resource with video tutorials on everything from knitting and crocheting to art and design for crafters of all experience levels. There are also downloadable patterns, templates, and recipes at your fingertips.

Global Road Warrior

Customs, religion, language, dress, diet, and lifestyle on people of many countries

LinkedIn Learning

Renowned software training tool. Learn to retouch photos, design websites, record songs, create spreadsheets, animate 3D graphics, and more. Users must be ages 16+. Users must have a DGPL library card for in-library and remote access.

Newspapers - Major US Daily News

Search Chicago Tribune 1849-current, The Wall Street Journal 1984-current, The Washington Post 1987-current, The New York Times 1980-current, and Los Angeles Times 1985-current full text at once. Or click Publications in the top menu to browse individual newspaper content.

Reference Solutions

Formerly ReferenceUSA. Directory of 13 million businesses, residential listings, and telephone numbers in the US.

Science Flix

Covers more than 30 subjects in all areas of science using video, articles, and interactive content including experiments.

Universal Class

Online courses on professional development, crafts, parenting, pet care, career training, finance, homeschooling, and more! Courses are self-paced. Completing a course with 70% or higher will earn a CEU Certificate.