“I’ve always been interested in history, particularly that of Rome and Greece. This series is fiction, however it is based off of true events and the main protagonist himself, Marcus Clodius Ballista, is based off an actual Roman general Ballista, also known as Callistus. A lot of the big plot points throughout the series (the assassination of the Roman Emperor Maximus Thrax) are actual events that did happen and if you’re familiar with the history of Rome you will recognize plenty of other names and places that appear throughout the series.” – Tony, Circulation
The series follows Ballista, an Anglo-Saxon turned Roman general as he attempts to navigate not only the bloodied battlefields of Rome but also the political turmoil of a Roman Empire on the brink of collapse.
“The coolness of simple life, nothing earth shattering but it makes you smile, its the normal things you do! He had a great take on the city.” – Nancy, Circulation
His take on Chicago and all the fantastic things there are to do.
“The author clearly loved her characters and I loved them too!” – Mary S., ATS
A year in the life of the Padilla family who live in a small town in New Mexico. Fifteen-year-old Angel is pregnant, her dad is unemployed and waiting to be saved, and her grandma takes care of everyone while harboring her own secret. The family navigates their hardships with humor, love, and grit.
“I was caught up in the emotions of the characters’ lives as they navigated life-changing events, the unique struggles of teens advocating for themselves, and the eye-opening portrayal of deaf history and deaf culture.” – DG Library Staff
A coming of age story set in a boarding school for the deaf. Charlie, a rebellious new student who has never met another deaf person before, and February, the headmistress who was raised by deaf parents, are the heart of this story.
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