
Photograph of the six Library Trustees, three men and three women smiling.


The Board of Library Trustees provides general oversight of the Downers Grove Public Library. The Board consists of six community members appointed by the Village Council for six-year terms, without monetary compensation.  


Email, or send communication via postal mail to:

The Trustees ICO Downers Grove Public Library
1050 Curtiss Street
Downers Grove, IL 60515

Swapna Gigani


Term expires August 31, 2027

David Humphreys


Term expires August 31, 2025

Barnali Khuntia


Term expires August 31, 2026

Marti Sladek

Term expires August 31, 2029

Matt Topic


Term expires August 31, 2028

Nathan Williams


Term expires August 31, 2028

Board Meetings

The public is invited to attend library board meetings, which are held the fourth Wednesday of each month at 7 p.m. The Board of Library Trustees holds its meetings in the Betty Cheever Council Chambers at the Downers Grove Civic Center (850 Curtiss St., Downers Grove). Minutes are posted after they are approved at the following month's board meeting.

Meeting Dates

January 24
February 28
March 20
April 24, 6 p.m.
May 22
June 26
July 24
August 28
September 25
October 23 RESCHEDULED: November 20, 7 p.m. at the Downers Grove Public Library
December 11: Committee of the Whole

Public Comment Rules

The meetings of the Downers Grove Public Library Board of Library Trustees are open to members of the public, pursuant to the Illinois Open Meetings Act. The purpose of these rules is to ensure that interested parties representing various points of view are allowed time to present their views while permitting the Board to conduct their meetings in an efficient and effective manner. These rules govern public participation during the Public Comment agenda item in meetings of the DGPL Board of Trustees.

  1. Minutes are a summary of the Board’s discussions and actions, therefore public comments and written materials submitted by the public may not be reflected verbatim in the minutes. Video recordings of meetings provide access to the full content of public comments.
  2. All public comments will only be heard during the Public Comment Agenda Item.
  3. All public comments should be directed to the Board of Library Trustees.
  4. The Board requests that members of the public limit their comments to three minutes. A maximum of five minutes per speaker and 30 minutes total for Public Comment are allowed. The Board President shall have the discretion to modify these time limits.
  5. The Board requests that individuals limit repetitive comments and any group appoints one speaker to present the views of the entire group.
  6. Visitors to meetings must adhere to all behavior guidelines in the Library’s Code of Conduct. If a visitor engages in prohibited conduct, the Board President may prohibit further comment at the specific meeting or may ask the visitor to leave the meeting.
  7. The Board President shall have the authority to determine procedural matters regarding public participation not otherwise defined here.

Agendas & Minutes

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